Stink is a story about a boy, called “Stink”. His sister Judy measures Stink each morning, and every morning he is 1 metre 12 centimetres. One day to Stink’s horror, he has shrunk half a centimetre, and only measures 1 metre 11 and a half centimetres. Stink worries about being so short and hates being picked on at school.
One of my favourite parts of the story was when Judy (Stink’s sister) accidently drops the school pet lizard in the sink and switches on the wrong switch; it made me laugh. Characters are Stink, Judy, Lizard, Mrs Bell, Mum and Dad. It is 111pages long. The book is mostly set at Stink’s home and school.
I liked this book because it was about a boy worrying about something that was big to him, which happens to a lot of kids. It was really interesting and cool, reading about how he dealt with his worries, and how his family helped him. I liked the way the book ended too. I would recommend this book to 7-13years old.
One of my favourite parts of the story was when Judy (Stink’s sister) accidently drops the school pet lizard in the sink and switches on the wrong switch; it made me laugh. Characters are Stink, Judy, Lizard, Mrs Bell, Mum and Dad. It is 111pages long. The book is mostly set at Stink’s home and school.
I liked this book because it was about a boy worrying about something that was big to him, which happens to a lot of kids. It was really interesting and cool, reading about how he dealt with his worries, and how his family helped him. I liked the way the book ended too. I would recommend this book to 7-13years old.
1 comment:
Re: the book review ‘STINK’
This review was good and answers questions that not all reviews do , ie;the number of pages in the book.
It lists the author and has a good quick outline of what the story is about .
And makes me think that id want to learn more about this story to the point that i would want to read it to see what its going on about.
Good effort cam.
Kerry and Joanna mcinnes(cameron's mum and dad)
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